The holidays are here, but …
It’s no secret that the holiday season can be stressful.
You know it.
I know it.
Every meme on social media knows it.
Starting sometime in early November (or, dare I say, early October?), the drum beat starts – ever so quietly – and the sound of festive footsteps can be heard just behind us.
Always creeping up just behind us.
Until they leap on us sometime in December and continue through the start of January.
Whether you celebrate anything this time of year or not, it can certainly be a season of fun, but also a season of stress.
A small exercise
As always here at Mastering the Everyday, I want you to try – if you can – to find an opportunity (a gift?) in what may seem challenging.
Don’t just succumb to or get anxious about the stress (annoyance / excitement / dread / joy / etc.) of this season.
Use it.
Well, try an exercise:
1. If you sense a tiny negative thought creeping up about the holiday or a feeling of overwhelm overcoming you, catch yourself.
2. Acknowledge it.
3. Make a decision to let it go … for now.
That’s it.
Easy? No.
And, it’s not an invalidation of the difficult issues this time of year can bring up.
What it is, is merely a simple exercise to practice getting into neutral (or better?) headspace during what can be a stressful time.
Feel your feelings.
Then, use them as an opportunity to get to know yourself better – and to better master a mindful state.
We are part of a world … and its stress
Here’s the MtE tip: Notice, feel, and let go
There are moments and people in life that push our buttons.
There are seasons that can do it, too.
When it happens, don’t go along automatically. Don’t succumb willingly!
Instead, notice how you’re feeling, feel how you’re feeling, and, if it’s a negative emotion you don’t like, work on letting it go.
After all, a little more calm in your day is the greatest gift you can give yourself.
To dive deeper into strategies for mindfulness and letting go, check out my book, An Audible Silence; or schedule a free 15-minute call to see if coaching might be right for you. For even more, follow me on Instagram or TikTok.
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(NOTE: Mastering the Everyday is not medical or mental health advice or diagnosis, and is solely for informational/entertainment purposes. If you need physical or psychiatric care, please reach out to a trained and licensed medical professional.)